I haven't blogged in ages because the time just hasn't been available. I started my new job last month and i'm thoroughly enjoyi...

Touched by 64 Belgian girls

I haven't blogged in ages because the time just hasn't been available. I started my new job last month and i'm thoroughly enjoying it but it does mean I haven't had time for certain things and sadly this blog has been one of them.

Thought I'd quickly spread some joy and blog about a song that has touched me in the last couple of weeks. I've been a moderate fan of Radiohead for a few years and liked their song 'creep.' It's a good song about passionately loving someone and vehemently hating yourself for not being as "special" as the said person.

I saw a trailer to the new film about the creation of Facebook called "the social network" (you may think i'm going off on a tangent but there is some relevance to my point). Prior to seeing the trailer the film did not interest me at all. I thought it was just another flick made by a film company that were trying to strike while the iron was hot. The trailer did what it was supposed to do however and it made me slightly interested (they dramatised the shit out of Zuckerberg's life but oh well). As I kept on seeing this trailer it made the story seem that little more interesting and the song that accompanied it was vaguely familiar and started to stick in my head. LONG STORY SHORT... the song they used for the trailer is a version of Radiohead's 'Creep' sung by a Belgian all girl choir called Scala Kolacny Brothers. It has just been on repeat non stop, and it's songs like this that change moods, days and lives. I don't want to describe it too much because I can't find a superlative that would do it justice. All I am going to do is post the link and share this treat with whoever stumbles across my page.


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