"I look better when I'm not in my work overalls." He added a smile to his declaration to lubricate his conceit. "It...

In a different lifetime honey.

"I look better when I'm not in my work overalls." He added a smile to his declaration to lubricate his conceit.

"It's a shame I'll never see you in anything else." She batted back his smile with an inviting grin of her own.

"Well it doesn't have to be that way."

"Oh no?"

A man barged past them, his stomach nearly knocking her into the next street.

"Hey! Watch where you're going. Are you alright?" He walked toward her offering her a hand but she declined it. 

"It's okay. We're standing on the steps of the busiest bank in the country and it's almost opening time." She checked her watched. "We're lucky we're not splattered everywhere." 

He smiled, not at her comment but at the dimples that formed when she stopped talking. She smiled back and re-adjusted her trench coat. It was summer, the sun was preparing to make this day one of the hottest on record, but no one batted an eyelid at her fashion choice. She looked too good for negativity.

"So when can I show you me, not in overalls?"

"In a different lifetime honey." She blew him a kiss, and turned up the stairs toward the bank.

"But I thought we..." The words escaped him. Partly because of the rejection but mainly because she pulled a loaded semi-automatic uzi from her coat.

Her heels clicked against the floor as she climbed the stairs and waltzed into the bank. The sound of bullets mixed with screams escaped from the revolving entrance.

If this was Hollywood he would have stormed into the bank. Somehow saved the day and began a two hour adventure breaking Hollywood records in the process. Setting up a financially successful sequel that was less well received by the critics. 

Not being Hollywood his legs stiffened and his heart beat quicker than a drummer showing off his repertoire. Each bullet and every scream tightened his muscles until there was silence.

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