Hey it has been a while. We've had punch and judy take over the country and 'ConDem' us to five years of insatiable plight; cel...

Lights, camera, action... Cliche much??

Hey it has been a while. We've had punch and judy take over the country and 'ConDem' us to five years of insatiable plight; celebrities degrading themselves further and Gary Coleman's death. In my blogsence (get it? absence mixed with blog) I've been looking at an unhealthy amount of 'stop motion' animation (yes the life of the unemployed is just that amazing) and I've started to slowly put together a little piece of my own.

Take a look at this if you're unfamiliar with 'stop motion'


I've actually become quite fascinated with the different perspectives that are available through a camera. I have to give thanks to a bboy called cloud who made a stunning visual piece of what dancing is like through the eyes of a bboy. He really was the catalyst behind this recent obsession of mine.

I may also start a vlog, so my two fans can see me in all my visual glory! The reasons behind this desire lay with a vlogger called Alex Day (youtube him) who has a really enjoyable vlog that... well check it out!

Anyway I'm going to nip this mini-rant in the bud before it grows out of control and because I should be writing a little thing called my novel! But because of my unrivalled consideration for others I thought it was my duty to let the two sorry souls who know of my blogs existence why I haven't been updating that much.

Speak soon :)


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