Rogue One: A Star Wars Story came out last week. In the days since watching it I've aired my opinion, and many friends have told me t...

3 Things I disliked about Rogue One


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story came out last week. In the days since watching it I've aired my opinion, and many friends have told me to remember it's not a star wars films. It's a stand alone film set in the Star War universe. So I need to remember that, it's different, it doesn't have light sabre battles or Jedi, because it's different. 

I can appreciate the differences. I understand that it's set after the fall of the Jedi in a Force starved era.

I can't appreciate the lack of warmth and fun.

I found a lot wrong with this film. Maybe because I had unreal expectations? I just think it suffered from a dull script and a lack of direction. 

To keep this blog brief, and not let it turn into a rant, I've boiled my dislike down to three areas. Enjoy

The characters

I can't say this any other way, the characters are boring. Jyn had this air of mystery about her in the trailers. After I watched it, I was not interested in her paper thin story or her. The rest of the Rogue One Team were walk on characters at best. I think they missed a trick with Donnie Yen's Chirrut Îmwe. He had Jedi abilities, was blind and yet showed no signs of this and clearly had an interesting history. A history that may have shed light on the force and the Jedi. The directors decided to give his character minimal screen time and use him for comic relief. 

As one of the greatest characters ever created on the screen Darth Vader did what was expected of him and completely stole the show (not difficult). 

Many who told me "It's not a Star Wars film, appreciate it as a stand alone," also told me how much they loved Vader with the lightsaber and his control of the force to kill people for fun. Anakin shows my reaction to those comments.

A special mention for Forrest Whitaker's character Saw Gerrera. Trailers again made him seem like an important figure to the story and indeed the Star Wars Universe. His inclusion did nothing to storyline. He was not needed at all which shocked me. Why would you give a well known actor such a horrendous part? After I did some digging, I found out that his character was damaged by script re-writes and cuts. If true, that's a huge shame because Gerrera certainly gave a lot to the Star Wars: the Clone Wars series.

Doesn't tell us anything new 

Not much in the way of 'new' is given to the Star Wars universe. Like the Star Wars prequels, we knew where this film was going. In having all new characters at the core of this story, the writers and director could have had fun and added new value to the Star War Universe. I expected a new fresh story that would give me new insight to tie me over until episode 8.

I did feel that it wanted to give us something new (Jyn's necklace for example) but it just played it safe and steam rolled its way to the ending. 

All we found out was why the Death Star had such an achilles heel. At times it felt like this was the only purpose of this entire event. Well done Rogue One you put to bed the 40 year old mystery about the Death Star. 

Michael Bay Inspired 

I nodded off a few times in the film. My advanced years are catching up with me. I can't watch constant explosions and cool special effects like I used to. The battles in previous Star Wars films had a certain gravitas to them. The fighter pilot scene at the end of New Hope is one of my favourite scenes in all of Star Wars. Watching Luke survive and then destroy the Death Star was tense. The countless fighter scenes in Rogue One were completely blah. I'm sure they will be nominated for a Best Special Effects award at the Oscars though, so well done.

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