Hey everyone, Over the last week and a half I've stumbled across audiobooks on Spotify. I've always loved audiobooks, but the pr...

Viva La Audiobook

Hey everyone,

Over the last week and a half I've stumbled across audiobooks on Spotify. I've always loved audiobooks, but the process of buying one always seemed strenuous. Last week, I was watching a chat between Stephen King and George RR Martin. The two shared a mutual love for each other's work and Stephen (notice we're on first name terms) mentioned listening to 'Game of Thrones' on his phone. The thought to try my Spotify account came fully formed to my mind. I typed in Audiobooks on Spotify and saw the beautiful sight of hundreds of different books. 

Excited, and annoyed that I hadn't noticed them sooner, I searched looking for something to break my audiobook Spotify virginity. After 10 minutes I found the lucky text - 'Animal Farm'

It took me 5 minutes to realise I will be listening to an unhealthy amount of audiobooks from now on and 2 days to finish 'Animal Farm.' From start to finish, I enjoyed every aspect of the book. I've never read anything by Orwell and the thought why the hell not now rings through my mind. 28 years on this planet and I've waited this long for one of life's pleasures. 

When I finished it I craved more, so I searched Spotify again. This time my searching lead me to Jules Verne (another unread author of mine) and 'Around the World in 80 days.' I'm currently on chapter 12, and I'm enjoying the story and the pace of it all. I have a desire to know what happens next, but I don't feel as if Verne is rushing to get to the end. Instead, he is walking me to it at his pace and I'm not complaining.

If you have Spotify, give it a go and feed the book devourer inside of you.

Matt x 

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